viaVPN-Routers & Services
Choose the industrial Router with the needed connectivity for remote access: WAN, LAN, Wifi, 3G/4G-Modems, USB, Serial COMs, CAN-Bus, Net- & USB Cameras.
viaVPN-Routers are specially conceived for easy and secure remote access to industrial devices & machines over the internet. Beside their rich connectivity interfaces, our routers are designed for harsh industrial environments and certified for all EMI/EMC and ESD standards. DIN-Rail and wall mounting is supported. Using viaVPN-Routers the OEM/ODM –manufacturers or system integrators can service their machines as — if being on-site —, hence significantly reducing their traveling costs and achieving seamless short reaction times.
Virtual CAN-Bus Interface
Virtual COMs over RFC2217 protocol
GPIO-Control over ModBus protocol
Video Imaging over UVC-Cameras
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Easy Connection
viaVPN-Router is placed between the factory LAN network and the machine itself. The Router automatically establishes a VPN Connection (HTTPS port 443) to the viaVPN-Server-Network. No change to the factory firewall configuration is needed. Machines connected to the Router’s LAN side have their own local network, accessible over the router only. The VPN-connection to the Server-Network can be totally isolated from the internal factory LAN or allowed to pass traffic to the factory LAN. Privacy of factory LAN is fully protected.
The support personnel remotely logs in to the viaVPN-Server-Network using the viaVPN-Client-Utility-Tool, which sets up a secure VPN-Tunnel to the viaVPN-Router and the machine behind it. Now the support personnel can use their testing, diagnosis, and troubleshooting software as if it were on-site of the machine.
Versatile configuration
viaVPN-Routers can be fully configured through the viaVPN-Cloud-Server simply using a web-browser from PCs, Notebooks or mobile devices, such as Tablets or smartphones.
Optionally, viaVPN-Client may be used to remotely configure the router.
WiFi & 3G/4G
viaVPN-Routers have options for Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n and 3G/4G Modems. Wi-Fi might be used for VPN connection or alternatively as access point (AP) for segregated LAN. 3G/4G serves as WAN for devices mounted on vehicles.
viaVPN-Routers are running under Linux OS being driven by powerful ARM-CPUs with dedicated hardware for proven AES-256 bit encryption keeping high data throughput.
Fully secure VPN-tunnels are used for all connections. All data exchanged during VPN connections is SSL/TLS encrypted. Exchanging public & private keys uses proven 4096-bit RSA with SHA-256 standards. Only high credentials authenticated users get access or permissions to viaVPN-Routers
On/Off VPN-access
VPN access might be enabled or disabled by the customer using a switch connected to the routers digital I/O interface. In disabled state, the VPN connection to Cloud-server is shut down. Customer keeps full control when remote access is allowed.
Flexible Router Firewall
Aside from the VPN connection, machines must be accessed by customer’s computers from factory LAN for feeding them with data, motion-sequences etc. Firewall of the viaVPN-Router can be configured to allow access for:
* VPN-connection only
* Factory LAN unless VPN-connection active
* Factory = LAN & VPN-connection to fulfill the customer’s needs.